Jun 4–15, 2018
External event
For AMICAL members only
Event info
Expectations of participants
If accepted, each team will be expected to:
- Participate in two mandatory pre-event and post-event online meetings and discussions. These online events will be planned according to the needs of the cohort and may involve invited speakers or consultants. At each mandatory event, at least half of each team must be present.
- Share a project description document with the rest of the cohort in advance of the pre-event meetings.
- By
31 July30 June 2018, submit a brief report about key takeaways from DHSI, specific to their project. - During December 2018 - January 2019, submit a brief (1-2 page) report, after DHSI 2018, on actions taken on their project, local impact observed, and impact of DHSI 2018 participation on their project.