Event info
About the workshop
The idea of the Co-Design: Integrating Information Literacy into your Disciplinary Course workshop is to integrate one or several Frames of the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy in Higher Education as learning outcome(s) into the syllabus of an approved course in Fall 2017.
In concrete, one faculty member and one librarian will acquire a deep understanding of the Framework and will co-develop course outcomes and an implementation plan identifying the points when and in which way the librarian will contribute to the course (i.e. in the form of drop-in sessions or multiple instruction sessions). The goal is to co-teach the course in Fall 2017.
The pilot course can be an existing course or a newly-designed course – in any academic discipline and on any course level.
Samantha Godbey and Xan Goodman (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) will lead the workshop.
- Leaders of the ECIL 2015 and ALA/ACRL 2016 workshops Crossing the Threshold with Threshold Concepts: Redesigning a Library Instruction Lesson Plan. Participants learned and put into practice strategies to incorporate threshold concepts from the new Framework into a lesson design.
- Co-editors of the forthcoming ACRL publication Disciplinary Applications of Information Literacy Threshold Concepts.
Samantha Godbey - University of Nevada Las Vegas samantha.godbey@unlv.edu
Xan Goodman - University of Nevada Las Vegas xan.goodman@unlv.edu
Inspired by the ACRL Immersion Program, the workshop will be an active learning environment. The success of the workshop is based on a collaborative effort of all participants and on the active engagement of the participants. Participants will be expected to do pre-work in the form of readings in order to prepare for the workshop.
The concrete workshop take away will be a co-developed syllabus/implementation plan of the pilot course for the Fall 2017, including lesson plans, assignments based on co-defined learning outcomes, and assessment strategies.
- Co-develop outcomes for pilot course in Fall 2017
- Identify assignments and assessments for course outcomes
- Develop an implementation plan identifying the points when and in which way the librarian will contribute to the course