This year’s program consists of keynotes and workshops by three invited speakers, as well as presentations contributed by AMICAL members through the call for proposals.
All times are in Paris time (GMT +2).
Table of contents
Tuesday 14 June
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Caroline Mitry & Hoda Mostafa
Inspire and empower learners in a composition class: Writing process through Google Docs and Weebly portfolios Recording available. Resources available.Adeel Khalid & Fatima Syeda
M6L learning spaces Recording available.Khawla El Akkili
Occupying a digital space: Engaging the literature classroom Recording available. Resources available.Reine Azzi
Road map to develop asynchronous information literacy modules at the Lebanese American University Recording available. Resources available.Nabil Badran & Hani Salem
Effie Kompouri & Evi Tramantza
Nadine Aboulmagd & Samah Adel
Transitioning your face-to-face syllabus for an online instruction: Sustaining an engaging experience Recording available. Resources available.Aziz El Hassani
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AMICAL Open House: Committees, interest groups and how members can engage with them Recording available.
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What have we learned? COVID-19 and the possibilities for digital pedagogy Recording available.
Kathleen Fitzpatrick
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Joining the Commons Recording available.
Kathleen Fitzpatrick
Wednesday 15 June
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Aziza Ellozy & Hoda Mostafa
Expanding oral history access through a transcription and translation initiative: The Qurna Oral History Project at AUC Recording available. Resources available.Stephen Urgola
Feedback and assessment design to enable student uptake of feedback: Students’ perceptions Recording available.Anna Moni
Keeping up the motivation of students in a challenging environment: A case study of American University of Afghanistan Resources available.Enakshi Sengupta
Anastasia Logotheti & Lara Bachmann Tampouratzis
Professional development pathways: AUS Library staff reflections Recording available.Ghada El-Abbady, Heba Hussien & Yasmine Mohamed
Using a digital repository to showcase 25 years of societal impact of the American University of Sharjah Recording available. Resources available.Samar Yassin
Maurice Hines & Meredith Saba
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Space and place to inspire: Facilitating student communities and success with physical and digital learning spaces Recording available. Resources available.
Sarah C. Hutton
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Conducting assessments to create spaces and places to inspire in academic libraries Resources available.
Sarah C. Hutton
Thursday 16 June
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De-stress for exam success: Supporting student wellbeing by creating a ‘chill zone’ during finals Recording available. Resources available.Rebecca Hastie
Integrating media literacy and education across disciplines: The case of CEU Library’s Media Hub Recording available.Jeremy Braverman
Promoting critical literacy: A collaboration between the LAU Library and Writing Center Recording available. Resources available.Maya Akiki & Joyce Draiby
Aida Parpieva & Nargiz Subanalieva
Student micro-documentaries in the digital liberal arts Resources available.Michael Stoepel & David Tresilian
The best of both worlds: combining best practices of f2f and online teaching Recording available.Evi Dilaveri
Nadine Aboulmagd & Maha Bali
Transformative learning and technology: The case of peer support Recording available. Resources available.Gregory Katsas
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Critical digital literacies: Developing agency and sustaining hope in troubled times Recording available. Resources available.
Catherine Cronin
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Critical digital literacies: What next? Resources available.
Catherine Cronin